Look for love letters in Heywood Hill, Mayfair
There is nothing more romantic than browsing in a bookshop with somebody special. If that means anything to you, this is the one to choose: Heywood Hill has been squeezed into this Mayfair terrace for over 70 years (Nancy Mitford famously minded the shop while its owner was at war) and they do a great line in collected letters between friends and lovers.
在Heywood Hill書店中找尋情書,Mayfair
沒有比和某個特別的人,在書店裡瀏覽更浪漫的了。如果這對你有什麼特殊意義,這是非選不可的行程:Heywood Hill已經坐落在Mayfair的這個角落超過七十年了。(Nancy Mitford在原本店主人參戰時照顧這間店,他們做了一項偉大的事,收集朋友和情人間的書信)
Window shopping at Clarendon Cross, Notting Hill
Even non-shoppers can’t fail to enjoy a potter around the chi-chi-ness of this well-heeled crossroads in Notting Hill. Virginia’s really does stock romantic lingerie, rather than the high-street-porn variety, there are homeware shops and a bit of everything gorgeous at The Cross. Then you can go and curl up on an old pew at Julie’s and while away a wine bar afternoon.
在Clarendon Cross Window Shopping
即使不買東西的人,也無法不享受排徊在Notting Hill充滿集集性 (chi-chi-ness),又富裕的十字街道。Virginia (一間在Notting Hill的懷舊婚飾店) 數量有限的浪漫女性貼身衣褲,跟大街上各種挑逗的內衣可是不一樣;還有各種家飾店加上所有東西都有一點華麗的The Cross (另一間店)。然後你可以蜷在Julie's(Bar and Restaurant)的長板凳用杯酒消磨一整個下午。
這段真是靠北難翻的,除了英文能力不佳以外,我對Notting Hill極度不熟大概也是個原因。這一整年間我都沒去Notting Hill,七年前第一次到倫敦時有去過一次。去過的人對Spitalfield market也好像沒有多高的評價,就是東西舊舊的又賣很貴XD
Sir John Soane’s Museum by candlelight
On the first Tuesday of each month, from 6-9pm, this extraordinary house on Lincoln’s Inn Fields is lit only by candles. See the Egyptian antiquities, Oriental objets, neo-Classical sculptures, furniture, stained glass and intricate timepieces as the great architect and collector himself would have seen them.
在每個月的第一個星期二晚上六點到九點,這棟在Lincoln’s Inn Fields的非凡房子會完全由蠟燭照明,欣賞這位偉大的建築師收藏家自己也喜歡看的埃及古董、東方物品、 新古典時期雕像、家具、彩色玻璃和精細的鐘錶。
John Soane是設計英格蘭銀行(Bank of England 英格蘭的中央銀行)的建築師。另外學校附近位於 Great Queen Street的Freemason's Hall也是他的作品。不過沒想到這個地方就在LSE的New Academic Building旁;看了敘述並不是特別會引起我的興趣。但是Lincoln's Inn Field是真的蠻漂亮的,有去倫敦的朋友推薦去那邊走走。
Bank of England 圖片取自neftriplecrunch.files.wordpress.com 也是暑假回家坐公車每天都會經過的地方
Galvin at Windows, the Hilton
There’s something weirdly un-London about the restaurant on 28th floor of the Hilton on Park Lane; it’s more like being in Hong Kong or Sydney, until suddenly the lights far below resolve themselves into a circle (the London Eye), a triangle (the top of Canary Wharf) and other oddly familiar shapes. Chris Galvin has just got his first Michelin star, so it’s not going to be cheap as chips. But romantic? Oh yes.
Galvin at Windows餐廳 希爾頓飯店
這間在Park Lane希爾頓飯店28樓的餐廳有點不那麼倫敦,比較像在香港或是雪梨。直到看見遠方的燈光灑成一個圓圈 (倫敦眼)、一個金三角 (Canary Wharf的頂端)以及其他奇特卻熟悉的形狀。 Chris Galvin 才剛拿到他的第一顆米其林星星,所以不會跟薯條一樣便宜 (not going to be cheap as chips)。但浪漫嗎? 喔當然!!
又是在時尚的Mayfair,Park Lane Hilton可是貴酸酸啊。
Sunset on Waterloo Bridge
Yes, yes, it’s a cliché, but the plainest of London’s river crossings has its own song (Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks), its own movie (Waterloo Bridge, starring Vivien Leigh) and the best views of any bridge in town. As the sun goes down, the city lights up; from the Eye and the National Theatre to the Savoy and Charing Cross Station. A good sunset will finish you off completely. As Wendy Cope's proem goes:
'On Waterloo Bridge, where we said our goodbyes,
The weather conditions brought tears to my eyes.
I wipe them away with a black woolly glove,
And try not to notice I’ve fallen in love.'
Waterloo Bridge的落日
沒錯沒錯,是有點陳腔濫調,但這座最簡單的倫敦跨河大橋可是有它自己的歌(Kinks的Waterloo Sunset),還有自己的電影(Vivien Leigh演 的 Waterloo Bridge 魂斷藍橋),以及這座城市內其他橋樑比不上的優美風景。當太陽下山時,城市的燈光打開了;從倫敦眼跟國家劇場到Savoy Hotel及Charing Cross Station。一個美好的落日可以讓你完滿地結束一天,就像Windy Cope的詩寫道:
在Waterloo Bridge 我們說再見的地方
而避免發現到 我已經戀愛了
先來兩張Waterloo Bridge的夜景 我沒在這邊拍過落日
Waterloo Bridge真的是有它得天獨厚的景觀,往東一點的Blackfriar bridge就看不到國會了,更別提更東邊的Southwark Bridge或是London Bridge了;這兩座橋雖然離Tower Bridge更近,不過景色並沒有那麼漂亮,這是我可以打包票的;另一座我覺得可以媲美的橋是只能行人通過的千禧橋,因為可以正對到Paul's Cathedral(聖保羅大教堂)也是許多遊客取景的好地方。
千禧橋照過去的聖保羅 攝於2009年二月
- Jul 13 Tue 2010 23:19