英航網站上一個單元London for lovers,跟大家分享一下。第一段是英文原文,第二段是翻譯,第三段是我個人的一些補充(若有的話);上面圖片取自英航網站。
Early morning in Trafalgar Square
After a night of wining, dining or partying, grab a taxi — well, OK, a night bus — and take a small hours' stroll around Lutyens’ Grade-II listed fountains, by now pale green water mirrors unruffled by tourists, drunks or the banished pigeons. Time it right (about 8.25am) and you will hear a hiss and a splutter as the fountains spring to life.
早晨的Trafalgar Square
經過一晚的美酒、佳餚或是派對後,攔一輛計程車 - 喜歡的話夜間巴士也OK - 然後花點時間漫步在Lutyen(英國建築師)設計,被列為二級建物的噴泉間。現在淡綠色的水鏡安祥地躺在遊客、醉漢或是恣意飛行的鴿子間。時間正好(大約是早上8:25),嘶嘶聲及急迫的對話聲,那正是噴泉活過來了。
我沒有早晨的Trafalgar Square的圖,這張是09年二月整個倫敦大雪時的照片。Trafalgar Square為了紀念打敗拿破崙的海戰Trafalgar戰役而得名。最高紀念柱是紀念帶領英國打贏這場戰爭但也為國捐軀的Nelson海軍上將。LSE有間宿舍在距離Trafalgar Square三分鐘路程的地方,阿西娜跟蘿拉便住在這地點令人流口水的Northumberland House;當時要價一周好像超過140英鎊(其實也不貴),現在應該只會更貴了。這地方位置好到跨年時位於管制區內,可以好整以暇地慢慢走到London Eye看煙火。
Keats’ House, Hampstead
This is the house where John lived, a white Regency villa in one of the prettiest parts of London, where the young poet fell in love with the girl next door before dying tragically in Rome. The story has just been told in Jane Campion’s new film Bright Star and the house has just been beautifully restored, thanks to the Heritage Lottery Fund and a loyal band of volunteers.
這是濟慈生前所住,一間攝政式的別墅,坐落在倫敦最美的地方之一,這裡也是那位年輕詩人戲劇式地,在羅馬去世前,單戀隔壁女孩的地方。這段故事被Jane Campion的在她的新電影Bright Star(台譯:璀璨情詩)敘說著,這棟房子也如當初美麗般保存著,感謝Heritage Lottery Fund(英國樂透基金的其中一部份)以及許多忠心的志工。
Hampstead是我在倫敦時一直想去不過沒有去的地方。這棟白色房子也被用在許多其他電影拍攝中,像是大家熟知的Notting Hill(新娘百分百)。Hampstead從Euston往北坐公車約二到三十分鐘就可抵達,也有tube到,是個適合散心的好地方。為何我這麼清楚呢?因為當時還在倫敦時想找克洛伊小姐去不過不敢,哈哈。
Lunch and a matinee at British Film Institute, Southbank
There’s something about the revamped BFI auditorium that makes it feel intimate and studenty all at the same time. Skive off work to eat at Benugo’s Riverfront Cafe, which buzzes with artsy conversation, before disappearing into the darkness to watch Breakfast at Tiffanys or Casablanca (Valentine’s offerings), or see the sparks fly in February’s Hepburn and Tracy season. When you come out, the night will still be young.
午餐以及在British Film Institute來場日場電影,Southbank
在BFI重新整修過的禮堂中,某些氛圍同時讓人覺得親密而又帶有些許的青澀學生風。在欣賞第凡內早餐(Breakfast at Tiffanys) 、情人節特映的卡薩布蘭卡(Casablanca) 或是二月份奧黛立賀本及崔希史賓瑟(Hepburn and Tracy) 充滿愛之火花的影展前,翹個班然後在Benugo’s Riverfront Cafe用餐,被四周的文藝對話包圍,當你離開這裡時,仍會是個年輕的夜晚 。
南岸的第一個景點終於出現了,這裡離以前住的Bankside僅有十分鐘左右的路程,在National Theatre的一角,只要從Waterloo Bridge回家就一定會經過不過從來沒有為它駐足過就是了。
沒有BFI的照片,拿National Theatre的充充數 ,只要再往右邊看一點就可以看到了(誤)
Rooftop dinner at the Boundary, Shoreditch
Conran’s charming hotel in an old printworks in Shoreditch has a rooftop terrace kitted out for winter with heaters, cosy Welsh blankets, warming foreign alcohol and a Twitter feed to tell you if it’s open or not in London’s newly extreme climate. In summer, you can just kick back, enjoy Champagne and oysters or steaks from the barbie, and toast each other’s health as the sun sinks over the warehouses and City towers to the west.
在Shoreditch過往的印花工廠址上 ,Conran(英國名設計師)的迷人飯店有個在冬天附有暖爐 、舒適威爾斯毛毯 、溫熱外國酒,以及在Twitter通知 看在倫敦最新極端溫度下,今天是否有開張的陽台餐廳。夏天時,你大可以伸直腳,享受香檳及生蠔。或是拿塊烤架上的牛排,在落日映在倉庫以及西邊City高塔時,為彼此的健康敬一杯。
郵遞區號在E2的Shoreditch,查了地圖以後才發現離暑假住的Lilian Knowles僅有十分鐘步行的距離,不過我從來沒到那附近過 。Lilian Knowles在往東就接近Hackney了,是倫敦治安較不好的區。而且說實在的留學生也實在不會去高級飯店的陽台吃晚餐。
Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park
If ever there was a gorgeous walk in London, this is it. The name is not as romantic as it sounds — it may well be a corruption of the word for dingy, boggy ground — but who cares, when you can stroll among camellias, magnolias, daffodils and bluebells in the Spring, closely followed by rhododendrons and azaleas. In winter there’s a heather garden, perfect in the snow.
伊莎貝拉農園, Richmond Park
如果在倫敦有任何綺麗的散步的話,這就是了。這個名字不像她聽起來那樣浪漫 - 這個字可能聽起來是陰暗的沼澤 - 但當你可以在春天時徜徉在山茶花、木蘭花、水仙花和風信子中,再配上被杜鵑花簇擁的話,誰在乎啊。冬天時有個在雪地裡完美呈現的石南屬植物花園。
這邊我完全沒去過,我只知道Richmond Park是個比紐約中央公園大上五倍的都市公園;JAY的朋友,後來來念AF的蕭同學有去過這邊(她也有去過Hampstead,為公園愛好者),說很漂亮,這個有機會再去好了。