Economist Sep 17th 2010
詳細內容請見原文Which MBA,裡面有各洲的分項排名、評分方法、各校簡介等。報導有說明有些學校沒有排名是因為他們不願意參與或是提供的資訊不完整,較有名的像是英國的Imperial以及美國的UIUC。
根據這份排名,前十當中有六名是美國大學,第一名是Uni. of Chicago;其中長春藤名校共有三間,再加上一間加拿大的York Uni.,北美就進榜了七間;另外三間歐洲大學由瑞士、西班牙及法國各搶到一個名次。亞洲方面,前五名由澳洲及香港包辦,其實前十四名也大多是這兩個國家,另有新加坡兩間,中國、日本、菲律賓各一間。
從報導裡面,有幾個數字可以給想唸MBA的朋友參考,首先是GMAT分數;根據校方自己宣稱的分數,Chicago的平均分數是717(滿分800),Stanford則是730;相較歐洲學校稍低,西班牙的IESE 以及瑞士的IMD(International Institute for Management Development,台灣人比較熟的名字是洛桑管理學院,其實只是因為這所學校在洛桑,校名IMD裡面並沒有提到洛桑)分別是683跟671。另外在幫助校友就業方面(Economist在此項目加權最重,共佔了55%,提供新的就業機會35%以及增加的薪水25%),Chicago則拿到了最高分,在有紀錄的11個職業類別中都有校友分布。
在畢業後薪水方面,歐洲幾所名校都有下降的趨勢,其中LBS(London Business School,倫敦商學院,常常有人把這所跟我們學校搞錯。有次去客戶那邊,他問我哪裡畢業,我說LSE但他以為是LBS,我解釋了一番以後,他露出了「那也不是多厲害的學校嘛」的表情。拜託,LSE也不是什麼鳥毛學校好嗎!)的起薪從09年的美金117,000降到美金100,600,推測是金融危機的緣故。瑞士的IMD也從美金127,200降到114,415。原本畢業後薪水這項排名,過往都是歐洲學校較高 - 因為學生工作經驗較久也年紀較大的緣故 - 但今年跟美國學校有接近的趨勢,比如說UC Berkeley仍然保持畢業後薪水$108,400,跟去年差不多。
1 Chicago, University of - Booth School of Business U.S.
2 Dartmouth College - Tuck School of Business U.S.
3 California at Berkeley, University of - Haas School of Busi. U.S.
4 Harvard Business School U.S.
5 Stanford Graduate School of Business U.S.
6 Pennsylvania, University of - Wharton School U.S.
7 York University - Schulich School of Business Canada
8 Virginia, University of - Darden Graduate School of Business U.S.
9 Columbia Business School U.S.
10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Sloan School of Business U.S.
11 New York University - Leonard N Stern School of Business U.S.
12 Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management U.S.
13 Southern California, University of - Marshall School of Business U.S.
14 Carnegie Mellon University - The Tepper School of Business U.S.
15 Yale School of Management U.S.
16 Michigan, University of - Stephen M. Ross School of Business U.S.
17 Hult International Business School U.S.
18 Duke University - Fuqua School of Business U.S.
19 Washington, University of--Foster School of Business U.S.
20 Cornell University - Johnson Graduate School of Management U.S.
1 IESE Business School - University of Navarra Spain
2 IMD - International Institute for Management Development Switzerland
3 HEC School of Management, Paris France
4 Cranfield School of Management Britain
5 Henley Business School Britain
6 London Business School Britain
7 ESADE Business School Spain
8 IE Business School Spain
9 INSEAD France
10 Mannheim Business School Germany
11 Bath, University of - School of Management Britain
12 Cambridge, University of - Judge Business School Britain
13 University College Dublin - Michael Smurfit Graduate School ... Ireland
14 Warwick Business School Britain
15 EMLYON France
16 Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Belgium
17 EDHEC Business School France
18 International University of Monaco Monaco
19 City University - Cass Business School Britain
20 Durham Business School Britain
1 Melbourne Business School - University of Melbourne Australia
2 Hong Kong, University of - Faculty of Business and Economics Hong Kong
3 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - School of B... Hong Kong
4 Monash University Australia
5 Macquarie Graduate School of Management Australia
6 Nanyang Business School - Nanyang Technological University Singapore
7 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
8 Curtin Graduate School of Business Australia
9 Queensland, University of - Business School Australia
10 International University of Japan - Graduate School of Inter... Japan
11 National University of Singapore - The NUS Business School Singapore
12 Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad India
13 China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) China
14 Asian Institute of Management Philippines