Economist Oct 15th 2011
Dartmouth的Tuck商學院今年在經濟學人第九次的年度MBA排名中獲得第一名。這間位於New Hampshire的學校從去年的第二名躍升到龍頭。幾乎所有的全職MBA學生都能在畢業三個月內,在各領域中找到工作。他的MBA畢業生們可以期待畢業起薪為美金107,000,比取得這學位前增加了65%。Tuck商學院的學生也認為他們的畢業生是全世界最優秀的 - 這也是一個常被提到的重要論述,說你在念MBA時碰到什麼人跟你學了什麼一樣重要。
芝大從第一名掉到第二名。而世界上最知名的學府哈佛大學也掉到第五名。歐洲的最頂尖MBA是瑞士的IMD(洛桑管理學院),排名第三。而雖然INSEAD在法國跟新加坡都有校園,但沒有一所純亞洲學校能進到前三十。香港大學排到第36已經是最高的了,中歐國際工商學院則是中國唯一排到前100的學校。而印度的唯一代表也是世界上最難進去的學校 - IIM-A則是排名78。
過去幾年商學院的各種排名激增。不只是在媒體上,也在各種智庫及部落格發表。有些包含單一國家或區域 其他的則是在某些特別角度作評量,比如說在道德教育上,有些甚至去排名那些發表排名的機構。很少機構像經濟學人這樣,去一個一個比較全球的MBA課程。這並不是一件簡單的事情。去比較一個一年,人數五十人的丹麥課程,跟一個兩年,學生人數一千人的美國課程,一定會引起爭議。被排到後面的學校都會覺得有失工允並且大聲說出來,我們很歡迎他們的回應。
經濟學人的收集數據的方法是直接去問學生,一年超過25萬人,問他們為什麼會選擇這個MBA課程。結果我們都呈現在過去二十年的專題"Which MBA"裡面。有一點很重要的是,我們的排名數據中,從學生口中得到的資訊比重是很重的。
四項資料來源分別為:開拓新的就業機會(35%)、個人的發展/教育經驗(35%)、薪資增加(20%),以及打進網絡的潛力(10%) 我們的數據是非常可靠的資料,像是薪資以及教職員資格等,且主觀的分數是來自學生,像是給他們學校的教授打的分數。完整的排名以及方法都。在這。
北美排名 (取前20)
1 Dartmouth College - Tuck School of Business U.S.
2 Chicago, University of - Booth School of Business U.S.
4 Virginia, University of - Darden Graduate School of Business U.S.
5 Harvard Business School U.S.
6 California at Berkeley, University of - Haas School of Busi. U.S.
7 Columbia Business School U.S.
8 Stanford Graduate School of Business U.S.
9 York University - Schulich School of Business Canada
11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Sloan School of Business U.S.
12 New York University - Leonard N Stern School of Business U.S.
15 Pennsylvania, University of - Wharton School U.S.
16 Carnegie Mellon University - The Tepper School of Business U.S.
18 Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management U.S.
20 Duke University - Fuqua School of Business U.S.
22 Southern California, University of - Marshall School of Business U.S.
25 Cornell University - Johnson Graduate School of Management U.S.
26 Yale School of Management U.S.
27 UCLA Anderson School of Management U.S.
28 Emory University - Goizueta Business School U.S
29 Hult International Business School U.S.
*University of Washington (35)跟University of Michigan (30)這兩間去年都在北美前二十 加拿大第二名的McGill University 則是68名
歐洲排名 (取前20)
3 IMD - International Institute for Management Development Switzerland
10 IESE Business School - University of Navarra Spain
13 London Business School U.K.
14 HEC School of Management, Paris France
17 ESADE Business School Spain
19 INSEAD France
21 Bath, University of - School of Management U.K.
23 Cranfield School of Management U.K.
24 IE Business School Spain
33 Cambridge, University of - Judge Business School U.K.
37 City University - Cass Business School U.K.
38 University College Dublin - Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business Ireland
41 Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Belgium
42 Mannheim Business School Germany
43 EMLYON France
54 EDHEC Business School France
55 Warwick Business School U.K.
57 Henley Business School U.K.
60 Oxford, University of - Saïd Business School U.K.
63 Grenoble Graduate School of Business France
*RSM(鹿特丹管理學院)排名67 University of Edinburgh 排名84
32 Melbourne Business School - University of Melbourne Australia
36 Hong Kong, University of - Faculty of Business and Economics Hong Kong
46 Queensland, University of - Business School Australia
58 Curtin Graduate School of Business Australia
62 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - School of Business and Management Hong Kong
69 Nanyang Business School - Nanyang Technological University Singapore
73 Macquarie Graduate School of Management Australia
76 Yonsei University School of Business Republic of Korea
78 Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad India
86 National University of Singapore - The NUS Business School Singapore
88 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
91 China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) China