
台北駐英代表處投書到經濟學人,對上星期的文章Ma the Bumbler進行牛頭不對馬嘴的解釋。

SIR – Your article (“Ma the bumbler”, November 17th) on President Ma Ying-jeou of the Republic of China (Taiwan) focused only on the economy and overlooked his accomplishments in cross-strait relations and foreign policy, which are his primary responsibilities under our constitution. President Ma has reached 18 agreements with mainland China over four years, greatly easing tension and promoting peace in the Taiwan Strait. Meanwhile, the number of countries and territories awarding Taiwan visa-waiver status has jumped from 54 to 129 under his watch, unprecedented in Taiwan’s history.

之前對中華民國(台灣)的總統馬英九的文章(11月17日的Ma the bumbler)只集中在經濟層面,而忽略了他在兩岸關係以及外交政策的成就,而這兩項在我們憲法層面是他的主要職責。馬總統在過去四年跟中國大陸已經達成了18項協議,極大程度地緩和了緊張情勢,推動了兩岸和平。同時在他任內給予台灣免簽地位的國家從54個進展到129個,在台灣歷史上前所未見。

Although I do not deny some of the facts reported in your piece, I would like to point out that under President Ma Taiwan’s average economic growth rate between 2008 and 2011 was 3.4%, which was higher than that of South Korea and Hong Kong. According to your Economist Intelligence Unit, Taiwan’s GDP per person (PPP adjusted) in 2011 was $41,385, well over that of Britain ($35,725), Germany, France, Japan and South Korea. The foreign trade of Taiwan, which has but one-seventh of the United Kingdom’s land area and 37% of its population, was $590 billion in 2011, more than half of Britain’s $1.1 trillion. Our ranking in the World Competitiveness Yearbook has jumped from 23rd in 2009 to 7th in 2012.

雖然我也不否認報導中的一些事實,我想指出台灣的平均經濟成長率,在馬英九總統任內的2008年-2011年是3.4%,比香港跟南韓更好。根據EIU(Economist Intelligence Unit)的數字,台灣2011年的GDP (PPP per capita)是$41,385,比英國($35,725)德國法國日本南韓都高。只有英國七分之一面積37%人口的台灣,2011年的貿易總額是5千9百億美金,這數字超過英國貿易總額1兆1億美金的一半。

President Ma will do his utmost to weather another global recession, and he is determined to push forward with reforms. It is not surprising that some of his initiatives have been unpopular during the downturn. The people of Taiwan have every right to use harsh words against their president, but when a foreign media organisation repeats the name calling it should at least use quotation marks.


Lyushun Shen
Taipei representative office in the UK



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