某天找資料時,碰巧看到Heathrow Airport的國家介紹。
在台灣這欄,介紹如下,前面三段幾乎都是由形容詞構成的段落,沒甚麼特別的。最後一段稍微提到台灣的政治概況,最後一句赫然出現了這樣的句子「Many Taiwanese would like an eventual reuniting with mainland China, but not on the terms suggested by their dominant cousins. 」用中文來說,就是「許多台灣人最終希望跟中國大陸統一,但並不是用他們握有優勢的表親所提之方案。」
看到這句話,台灣兩千萬人都驚呆了(假設支持統一的人有10%,要先扣掉他們,剩下的人才會驚呆了)。於是我在6月10日那天寫信反映給Heathrow Airport,附上一些民調的英文報導,說明不到10%的台灣人支持統一,應該不能用「許多」這個形容詞。
時間過了一天、兩天….過了十天,即使以英國人的效率(根據之前在英國辦事的經驗,一星期工作天內有回覆或改善,應該都是非常感恩的事)也應該結果出爐了,不過介紹中那句「Many Taiwanese would like an eventual reuniting with mainland China」還是一直存在。
昨天看到網頁下方標記了一個說明(我也不確定是昨天才標上,還是我之前沒留意到),說網頁內容都是由World Travels負責提供的,旅遊資訊常會在短時間內改變,讀者要自己跟相關單位查詢。如果因為上方的資訊有誤,造成不變或損失,希斯洛機場以及Globe Media(World Travels母公司)恕無法負起任何責任。
因此我又寫信去World Travels說明這件事。我的信很有禮貌,我先說並沒有很多台灣人支持跟中國統一,無論在何種條件下。但你們的網頁影響力很大,許多機關都在採用,是否可以修正一下這個造成誤解的資訊。在一個工作天內就收到回覆,且說他們會馬上解決。
今天早上再看Heathrow Airport的網頁,這句話已經拿掉了(World Travels的還沒),因此不需要驚呆了。
一直以來,台灣跟其強大鄰居 ― 中國的關係就不是那麼自在。1684年,台灣成為落難明朝後裔的避難場所。而到了毛澤東的共產黨勢力掌握全中國後,1949年國民黨領導人帶著數百萬的支持者逃到台灣。經濟上,台灣很快地就成為亞洲的成功典範,但獨立自中國一事,從未受到許多外國政府承認 ― 主要是因為中國強大的政治跟軍事力量。許多台灣人最終希望跟中國大陸統一,但並不是用他們握有優勢的表親所提之方案。
Situated off the coast of mainland China, the mountainous island of Taiwan teems with people in massive urban developments, but at the same time hides some picture-perfect, breathtaking vistas and natural attractions. Jet into the airport at the capital, Taipei, and the island below greets you with majestic peaks, rolling hills and plains, basins and inlets, tropical beaches and green forests.
At the foot of the mountains cluster the crowded industrial cities and towns. Modern, high-rise buildings play backdrop to numerous traditional folk festivals, and ancient temples sit alongside glass-fronted boutiques in the bustling streets. Old and new live in harmony in Taiwan, and visitors will be enthralled as much by the bustling metropolis of Taipei as with the array of natural attractions throughout this relatively small island.
In the six national parks there are thousands of species of wildlife, 20 percent of which are rare or endangered, including the Mikado pheasant, the Hsuehshan grass lizard and the Formosan rock monkey. Unique experiences include taking a ride on the Alishan train, one of only three mountain railways in the world, and hiking up northeast Asia's highest mountain, Jade Mountain, and taking in the spectacular sunsets above a sea of clouds. With its volcanic origins, tropical climate and Polynesian flavour, Taiwan has deservedly been dubbed the 'Hawaii of Asia'.
Taiwan has long had an uneasy relationship with its larger neighbour, China. In 1684 the island became the refuge for the remnants of the deposed Ming Dynasty and when Mao's Communists forces took control of China in 1949 the nationalist leaders, and over one million supporters, fled to Taiwan. Economically, the island quickly became an Asian success story but its independence from China was never recognised by many governments - primarily due to the Republic's greater political and military firepower. Many Taiwanese would like an eventual reuniting with mainland China, but not on the terms suggested by their dominant cousins.
Heathrow 機場的國家介紹,已把最後一句拿掉
World Travels的網頁還沒改
- Jun 23 Tue 2015 13:14